Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Basketball Review!

In Form 1 West we spent the class reviewing for their test next week. I began with a review of all that we had covered in grammar. We went through their notes and their textbook and we talked about the different topics that students should study for the test. Since Form 1 students are still making that transition from a primary school to a secondary school. I spent more time reviewing with these students then I did with my older students. I went over different study strategies that they could try including recopying their notes that only cover the topics that will be on the test, creating a study guide, studying 15-20 minutes each night, studying with a friend, creating flash cards. We talked creating good study habits now, before they are in Form 4 and have to take the final test, the KCSE (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education), the one that makes or breaks their chances of going on to university.

After lecturing them on study skills and reviewing topics that would appear on the test, students played a basketball review game. Students could take "free throw shots" worth one, two, or three points. I divided the class into two teams. Each team took turns having one student from each team select a sticky note and reading the questions to the team. If the team answered the question correctly they received the points, if not, the other team has the opportunity to answer the question and get the points. Teams take turns "shooting" and earning points all while reviewing things they need to know for their test.
The questions were on the back of the sticky notes. 
The more challenging the question, the more points the question was worth.

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