Monday, 14 March 2011

Grammar Jeopardy!

Today students were contestants in our class game of Jeopardy! After taking notes on the progressive and perfective aspect in the past, present, and future they put their knowledge to the test. I divided the class in to two teams. Teams took turns, as I called a student to come up to the our jeopardy board and select a post it note under our six different categories and read it to the class. Each sticky note had the point value on the front and on the back was a question about the type of aspect. Questions ranged from define progressive aspect in the future? How do you form the past perfective aspect? And rewrite the following sentence in the present progressive aspect.
The questions were on the back of the sticky notes

John selecting a question from the progressive present category.

The team would then decide the answer and it wouldn't count until the student who read the note answered the question (this was so that the team could openly discuss the question without fear of saying the wrong answer). If the team was right then they got the points that the question was worth. If the team was wrong, the other team got the chance to answer the question for the points.
Reading the question aloud to his team

Listening to the teams response before answering

Our grammar jeopardy game ended in a tie!

After the game, we did a review for next weeks test! With only this week and next left in the term I want to see how my students are doing, so I have decided to give all six of my classes a test. I have written up six different tests specific to the material covered in that class, printed them at a computer cafe, and made nearly 250 copies total! I think I'm more nervous than my students. The tests are more of a reflection of my teaching. I am dying to know how effective this new teaching style was for students. I must say that I am not a fan of tests. I prefer projects over tests any day, however with the amount of poverty and lack of supplies in the school, this seems like the only fair way to gather information on how much my students have learned from my teaching! I hope they all do well! Regardless, I will be posting class averages at the end of next week!

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